Forms - Business Names

Click on the link for the form required. Once the form is open, if instructions are available a red "instructions" button will be located at the top of the form. You can fill in most of these forms on-screen before printing them. Do not print double-sided.

New Registrations
Update a Registration
Dissolve or Cancel a Registration


New Registrations



Filing Fee

Request for Name Reservation - File Online

Request for Name Reservation
A Name Reservation is required, in most cases, before a name can be registered.
Business Name Registration
File Online
Register an unincorporated business (sole proprietorship or partnership)
Registration of a Limited Partnership
Register a Manitoba Limited Partnership or an Extra-Provincial Limited Partnership (more information available here)
Registration of a Limited Liability Partnership
Register a Manitoba Limited Liability Partnership or an Extra-Provincial Limited Liability Partnership.
Power of Attorney Appoint a Power of Attorney (required when no registrants of an unincorporated business reside in Manitoba).
Consent/Consent & Undertaking When another company is giving you consent for use of name.
Payment Options Pay for filings using  Visa or Mastercard



Update a Registration



Filing Fee

Request for Name Reservation -
File Online

Request for Name Reservation
A Name Reservation is required, in most cases, before a name can be registered.
Business Name Renewal
File Online

(Contact the Companies Office if a new form is required)
Renew the registration of an unincorporated business, Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership for another three years.
Change of Address
File Online
Change the business address, mailing address or registrants' address of an unincorporated business or Limited Partnership.
No Fee
Change of Business Name
Change the name of an unincorporated business or Limited Partnership.
Change of Registrants
Change the owners of an unincorporated business (in certain situations - please refer to the instruction sheet for information).
Change in a Limited Partnership Change the General Partner(s), Limited Partner(s) or the capital contributed by a Limited Partner in a Limited Partnership.
Change in an EP Limited Partnership Change the General Partner(s) of an Extra Provincial Limited Partnership
No Fee
Change in a Limited Liability Partnership Change the:
  • firm name
  • designated Manitoba-resident partner
  • registered office in Manitoba, or
  • separate post office box number designated as the Manitoba address for service by mail
No Fee

Power of Attorney
File Online

Appoint a Power of Attorney (required when no registrants of an unincorporated business reside in Manitoba).
Payment Options Pay for filings using  Visa or Mastercard  



Dissolve or Cancel a Registration



Filing Fee

Dissolution of a Business Name Dissolve the registration of an unincorporated business, Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Partnership.
Cancellation of Registration of a Limited Liability Partnership or Extra Provincial Limited Partnership
Cancel the registration of a Limited Liability Partnership or an Extra Provincial Limited Partnership
No Fee
Payment Options Pay for filings using  Visa or Mastercard
