Online Services -Step-by-Step Filing Instructions
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Business Names
- Request for Name Reservation
- Register a Sole Proprietorship (with individual Registrant)
- Register a Sole Proprietorship (by another business or corporation)
- Register a Partnership
- Register a British Columbia, Alberta or Saskatchewan Limited Partnership in Manitoba
- File a Renewal
- Change Business Location
- Change Mailing Address
- File a Power of Attorney
- Cancel the registration of a British Columbia, Alberta or Saskatchewan Limited Partnership in Manitoba
- Request for Name Reservation
- Incorporate a Manitoba Business Corporation
- Incorporate a Manitoba Non-Profit Corporation
- Register a British Columbia, Alberta or Saskatchewan Business Corporation in Manitoba
- File an Annual Return
- Change Directors/Officers
- Change Mailing Address
- Change Registered Office
- Change Shareholders
- Change the name of my Manitoba Corporation
- File a Power of Attorney
- Cancel the registration of a British Columbia, Alberta or Saskatchewan Business Corporation in Manitoba
Manitoba Cooperatives